Online Adaptation of Convolutional Neural Networks for the 2017 DAVIS Challenge on Video Object Segmentation

This paper describes our method used for the 2017 DAVIS Challenge on Video Object Segmentation [26]. The challenge’s task is to segment the pixels belonging to multiple objects in a video using the ground truth pixel masks, which are given for the first frame. We build on our recently proposed Online Adaptive Video Object Segmentation (OnAVOS) method which pretrains a convolutional neural network for objectness, fine-tunes it on the first frame, and further updates the network online while processing the video. OnAVOS selects confidently predicted foreground pixels as positive training examples and pixels, which are far away from the last assumed object position as negative examples. While OnAVOS was designed to work with a single object, we extend it to handle multiple objects by combining the predictions of multiple single-object runs. We introduce further extensions including upsampling layers which increase the output resolution. We achieved the fifth place out of 22 submissions to the competition.
author = {Paul Voigtlaender and Bastian Leibe},
title = {Online Adaptation of Convolutional Neural Networks for the 2017 DAVIS Challenge on Video Object Segmentation},
journal = {The 2017 DAVIS Challenge on Video Object Segmentation - CVPR Workshops},
year = {2017}