
RGB-D Cube R-CNN: 3D Object Detection with Selective Modality Dropout

Jens Piekenbrinck, Alexander Hermans, Narunas Vaskevicius, Timm Linder, Bastian Leibe
7th MULA Workshop at the Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2024

In this paper we create an RGB-D 3D object detector targeted at indoor robotics use cases where one modality may be unavailable due to a specific sensor setup or a sensor failure. We incorporate RGB and depth fusion into the recent Cube R-CNN framework with support for selective modality dropout. To train this model we augment the Omni3DIN dataset with depth information leading to a diverse dataset for 3D object detection in indoor scenes. In order to leverage strong pretrained networks we investigate the viability of Transformer-based backbones (Swin ViT) as an alternative to the currently popular CNN-based DLA backbone. We show that these Transformer-based image models work well based on our early-fusion approach and propose a modality dropout scheme to avoid the disregard of any modality during training facilitating selective modality dropout during inference. In extensive experiments our proposed RGB-D Cube R-CNN outperforms an RGB-only Cube R-CNN baseline by a significant margin on the task of indoor object detection. Additionally we observe a slight performance boost from the RGB-D training when inferring on only one modality which could for example be valuable in robotics applications with a reduced or unreliable sensor set.

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author = {Piekenbrinck, Jens and Hermans, Alexander and Vaskevicius, Narunas and Linder, Timm and Leibe, Bastian},
title = {{RGB-D Cube R-CNN: 3D Object Detection with Selective Modality Dropout}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops},
year = {2024},

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