
Bachelor and Master Theses

We permanently offer proposals for bachelor and master thesis topics. Please note that:

  • You need to be a student of RWTH Aachen University. Again: we do NOT offer theses to non-RWTH students.
  • You need prior experience in computer vision, e.g. having taken part in any of our classes.
  • You should have solid programming experience. Prior experience with deep learning frameworks is a plus.
  • We do NOT offer any internships. Please do NOT contact us for an internship.
  • We do NOT supervise external theses offered by companies.

We accept Master/Bachelor Thesis Applications from students enrolled in RWTH Aachen University (use your @rwth-aachen.de address for sending an email) via this email address: applications@vision.rwth-aachen.de. This email address is NOT for PhD applications and depth oral colloquium scheduling.

In your application, we expect to see:

  1. CV
  2. transcript of grades
  3. (optional) research statement
  4. (optional) a code repository (GitHub, GitLab, etc.) where you can show us your coding skills

Do NOT send us attachments - send a link to the shared document instead (use a hosting service like GigaMove, Google Drive, Dropbox, Sciebo etc.).

Our group cannot host internships by students from outside RWTH. Please refrain from sending us internship applications. Internship application emails will not be read and will not be answered.

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